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Sunday, November 20, 2011
I know I haven't posted a new article in more than a few months, but I will be getting the blog caught up over the holiday. I hope you are all counting your blessings. And, for the writers amongst you, I hope that you are having a successful time a NANOWRIMO and are not letting it get you down. Blessings!!! Updates and photos to come!

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Saturday, July 30, 2011
Seattle Opera's Production of Porgy and Bess (Opening Night)
Here we are in the afternoon of the opening night of Seattle Opera's Production of Porgy and Bess. We have a world renowned conductor, a locally sourced chorus, fabulous soloists and a beautifully sunny northwest day. One couldn't ask for more. Here's a video montage of our dress rehearsal. Check my events page and make sure that you make it to one of the performance before its gone. ONLY SEVEN MORE PERFORMANCES AFTER TONIGHT!!!

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Friday, July 22, 2011
Porgy and Bess Orchestra Rehearsal
The orchestra of Seattle Opera is working hard as well. Take a moment and look at the flexibility of the orchestra. They are incorporating jazz style with the classical style of opera. This is a delectable meal for the musical palate.

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Porgy and Bess Directors Talk
I'm having a wonderful time as a chorus member of Seattle Opera's production of Gershwin's Porgy and Bess. Our amazing director is a huge part of the wonderful time that I'm having. Take a moment and listen to the passion that he has for this Opera.

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Friday, July 08, 2011
Porgy and Bess Chorus Rehearsal
If you haven't heard, Seattle Opera is doing Gershwin's Porgy and Bess! And I'm in the chorus. If you happen to be in the Seattle area and you want to see a production with tons of local African American Performers, then get yourself a ticket and get on board! Check out my events page for a link to Seattle Opera and tickets! Events

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I bet you thought I had forgotten all about NAPOWRIMO 2011. But you would be wrong. Here's number 19!
Missing tender,

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3 AM.
by Ieisha McIntyre
Missing tender,
falling gently, simply
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Tuesday, April 05, 2011
NAPOWRIMO 2011-Writing Prompts #5-Yesterday
Hello NAPOWRIMO POETS! I hope you are still with me. Today, I have a prompt for you that asks you to plumb your memory and use your senses. Divorce those digital photos you have and search around your home for an old photo. From the time when you had to take your photos to the shop and trust that you had done well. Or, from the time when Polaroid was king. Find those old photos of yours and tell us the story of that photo. You can use good old american free verse or you can stick with a structured approach. Heck, you could start your own structure if that's what you'd like to do. MAKE IT WORK! (post,share, link!) Blessings! And find an open mic silly!

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Monday, April 04, 2011
Here's a bit of encouragement for #4/30
Poetic Definition #4
by Ieisha McIntyre
Ephemeral: (adj.)The leaf, once green,
now ghost white
dust in flame.
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Sunday, April 03, 2011
NAPOWRIMO 2011-Writing Prompts
Let's Catch up- Days #1-4
Hello NAPOWRIMO poets! If you are like me, you just wanted to make it through April fools and may have forgotten all about poetry. Well, if you did don’t worry. Here are three writing prompts to get you caught up and one to get you back on track for Monday April 4th. Don’t forget to LINK and SHARE!
Prompt #1- FOOLERY
Since this one should have been for April fools, which I confess to loathe. Let’s write a little poem that some how gives shape to the way that you feel when you feel foolish. Try to focus on the “giving shape” part of the prompt.
Prompt #2- Found poetry
- Take a moment and look through your most recent favorite magazine article.
- Cut that article out of your magazine.
- Now, cute phrases, words, sentences out of that article.
- Rearrange those words, phrases, sentences until you have your newly found poem.
Prompt #3- Sunday Walk
- Take a walk!
- Walk around your apartment, block, backyard, bedroom.
- Notice what you notice.
- Whatever you noticed the most of, write about it!
Prompt #4
Let’s focus on just one word. Flip through the dictionary, preferably a rather large one, an let your finger land on a random word. Accept the challenge of writing a poem based on and/or involving your newly discovered word.
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Hello Everyone! Its NAPOWRIMO time again. I love April just for the fact that it is spring, poetry, and new discoveries all rolled into one. I hope that you are ready for another journey into poetry and discovery of your poetic self. I am! I'll be posting poetry writing prompts to get you caught up and on track for the rest of this month. I'll also post links to other sites who are doing NAPOWRIMO as well. I hope you take the time to search out an open mic in your area or even start one. Take that poetic shyness, push it to the side and let your poetry shine through! Muster your courage and give your poetic gems a chance to be heard.
Stay tuned for poetry and prompts! (link, share, post, poem!)

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Stay tuned for poetry and prompts! (link, share, post, poem!)
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Sunday, March 27, 2011
Something New
I haven't placed any new poetry of mine on this blog for a while. So I thought I would share a little something from my meditation this weekend. I've only included a moment. You can take it as you receive it. Nothing earth shattering but just a moment. But then, as we know, it only takes a moment for one's world to shatter. It only takes one moment for one's world to heal. Enough, here it is. Enjoy.

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The End
by Ieisha McIntyre
She winced;
a birds feather
on a wire.
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Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Solo Book Club-The New Jim Crow Meeting #1
Adaptation and Transformation in Racism
I stated a few weeks ago that my next book for The Solo Book Club would be Michelle Alexanders’s The New Jim Crow. I decided that I would share just a few quotes from the chapters as I go along. I’m also going to making comments about how I felt and what those quotes caused me to think about it. So here goes the first installment of quotes, thoughts, and feelings. Let me know if reading these has encouraged you to read the book yourself and make your own understandings. I’d like to hear what you think.
I stated a few weeks ago that my next book for The Solo Book Club would be Michelle Alexanders’s The New Jim Crow. I decided that I would share just a few quotes from the chapters as I go along. I’m also going to making comments about how I felt and what those quotes caused me to think about it. So here goes the first installment of quotes, thoughts, and feelings. Let me know if reading these has encouraged you to read the book yourself and make your own understandings. I’d like to hear what you think.
Quote #1:
“Any candid observer of American racial history must acknowledge that racism is highly adaptable. The rules and reasons the political system employs to enforce status relations of any kind, including racial hierarchy, evolve and change as they are challenged. The valiant efforts to abolish slavery and Jim Crow and to achieve greater racial equality have brought about significant changes in the legal framework of American society -- new “rules of the game,” so to speak. These new rules have been justified by new rhetoric, new language, and a new social consensus, while producing many of the same results. This dynamic, which legal scholar Reva Siegel has dubbed “preservation through transformation,” is the process through which white privilege is maintained, though the rules and rhetoric change.”(21)
This quote hit me so hard. I have spent a good amount of time lately thinking about the adaptation and transformation that the people of the African Diaspora go through; Sometimes to reinforce our strength, sometimes to survive, sometimes simply because we can. I have never thought that there was adaptation and transformation occurring on the other side of equality as well. After reading this short passage it seems silly to not have thought that. But I suppose it was simply a blind spot of mine. And we all have those. But, think. We are all involved in this ever changing cycle and struggle to gain more privilege on one side and on the other to gain equality. But if we don’t take the time to educate ourselves in what has previously occurred, we will repeat the past, and we will repeat the cycle.
1 Reva Siegel, “Why Equal Protection no Longer Protects: The Evolving Forms of Status-Enforcing Actions,” Stanford Law Review 49 (1997):1111; see also Michael Omi and Howard Winant, Racial Romation in the United States: From the 1960s to the 1990s (New York; Routledge, 1996), 84-91.
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Sunday, March 06, 2011
African Diasporic Voices - Adaptation
adaptation-(People and cultures evolve as the traditions and memories we carry with us creatively engage new surroundings and other cultures.)
Today, I continue my postings on the Museum of African Diaspora’s “I’ve Known Rivers” project. This week I challenge you to look at the topic of Adaption.
Children of the African Diaspora have always had to adapt in order to survive. Very often that adaptation has led to a new level of thriving. At other times, the adaptation has led to destruction. Adaptations made in the face of survival are not always the best choices. They are just adaptations. Think of the flames that lit up our major cities when The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. Think of the destruction of our inner city neighborhoods with the addition of the different drugs and controlled substances. Think of the explosion of African-Americans in professional fields in the 70’s and 80’s, and the increase of African-American artists and writers during the new deal arts programs.
All of these adaptations have their own merit. Some might see that they provide a “good” some might say that they are a social “ill”. What do you say about adaptation? (Link, Subscribe, Share, Post comments!)
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
African Diasporic Voices-MOVEMENT
I hope you have been working on the topic of Movement. I have. Have you ever thought about movement in ways other than the physical? Have you ever thought about a change in thinking as a form of movement? Its funny, but I haven't. Isn't interesting the blind spots we have? Anyway, I was searching through my Youtube subscriptions and found this Tavis Smiley interview with Forest Whitaker. (I love me some Forest!) Listen to what Forest says about movement and story near the end of this segment.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011
African Diasporic Voices-Movement
Movement-(Individuals, families and communities move continuously, sometimes seeking fresh prospects, sometimes forced by slavery, war or famine. Always, our movements reinvent us, remixing the possibilities.)
As children of the African Diaspora we have gone through constant and continuous movement. Whether we are trying to find our way back home, trying to create a home where we have arrived, or just trying to understand and define who we have become in a new place and reestablish our origin story for the new generation coming, we are a people of transformation. We are constant primarily in each generations almost involuntary need to redefine ourselves. The most obvious example is found in our naming of ourselves.
Taking a quick look at the naming of our racial/ethnic groupings, the process seems almost a sort of adaptation of the naming ceremony. First Negro, then Colored, then Black, Then African-American, Afro-Caribbean, then Afro-Indian, and now with the influx of African Immigrants, many of our youth are beginning to establish whether they are African-American (descendents) or simply calling themselves, Black American. Just as our music comes from the pulse of our movement from rural to urban, so too does the naming of ourselves and our culture. And the change can happen so quickly.
In the most recent winter Olympics, Cheltzie Lee, a young women with an African-American mother from Louisiana and a Chinese father (born in Bangladesh) who has grown up in Australia, represented Australia. Could she have developed to such an advanced and honorable place as an Olympic Ice skater in America? I don’t know. But what I do know is that the movement, from American to Australian is clearly significant. How significant? I'll leave that to you to decide.
(I know the commentary is in russian, but I liked the camera angles.)
Are you someone who feels a significant difference in your life and how others see your blackness, african-ness due to your geographical location?
THINK ABOUT IT. TALK ABOUT IT. POEM ABOUT IT! (link, subscribe, share, comment!)
Are you someone who feels a significant difference in your life and how others see your blackness, african-ness due to your geographical location?
THINK ABOUT IT. TALK ABOUT IT. POEM ABOUT IT! (link, subscribe, share, comment!)
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 14 (poem)
Here is my response to the Day 14 writing prompt. I made these little buggers hard didn't I? Hm, funny. I'm working on the other two. Blessings Lonely Hearts! I'll be back this weekend with content directed toward African-American History so look for Diasporic Voices posts in the coming weeks!
Where’s the Love?
by Ieisha McIntyre
I feel my love is no where.
And then,
a new breath enters my lungs and
there is possibility.
And then,
a small warm paw.
And then,
a call from an old friend.
I feel my love is no where.
And then,
friends become bored.
And then,
family dies.
And then,
there is no ring.
I feel my love is no where.
And then,
God shows his face.
In the eyes of a stranger,
In a baby in the supermarket,
In the smile looking back at me from a mirror.
There is my love.
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Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 14
Hello Lonely Hearts Poets! I hope this journey has been helpful for you in combating the lonely heart blues. I know that it has helped me to write about the different aspects of love and to help me see Love in more than the traditional way. For today's writing prompt I'd like us all to think about not the love that we wish for but that love that we HAVE in our lives. WHERE IS IT?
Writing Prompt #14:
Where is the love in your life? Are you loved by a pet, friends, parents, siblings, a child, perhaps you have a beloved teddy bear. Or is your love for something or someone higher than yourself? Whatever or whomever it is, where is it?

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Writing Prompt #14:
Where is the love in your life? Are you loved by a pet, friends, parents, siblings, a child, perhaps you have a beloved teddy bear. Or is your love for something or someone higher than yourself? Whatever or whomever it is, where is it?
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Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 11 (poem)
Hello Lonely Hearts! Here is my poem for the Day 11 Writing prompt. I don't know if I will have the chance to get to days 12 and 13 before tomorrow night, but I will put up the prompt for Valentine's Day in a few moments so that you may have all day tomorrow to ponder what you would like to write. Please keep up the good work! I see readers visiting from all over the world. Know that you are not the only lonely heart out there. But you just might be the only one placing it in poetry.

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heal love power
by Ieisha McIntyre
Let me lay my hands and my heart on you,
Lend you my ears and hear your sorrow.
Let me wrap my arms around you,
warm your skin, help it release the pain.
Let me love the places within you
no one has yet seen.
Take your trembling hands from your eyes,
And let you see the way that
You can heal the little boy within you.
Bring back the possible you once dreamed of while mimicking the sounds of fire engines and cowboy calls. The little boy who made
his mother’s robe into his future doctor’s lab coat.
The man who would fight to hold on to his hope.
Let me love you through -- be the light in your lantern.
Look my way sojourner,
let me lead you from the cave.
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Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 13 Writing Prompt
Hello Lonely Heart Poets! It is less than 24 hours until Valentine's Day and some of you may be feeling blue, others of you may be feeling victorious. Victorious that you have been able to keep up the hope and the love in your heart through poetry. Personally I view this journey in a number of ways. One of which is the willing of love into your life. Call it wishful thinking, call it the law of attraction, call it magic if you wish. But whatever you call it, the desire is that it ends in love. More love for yourself, your family, friends, humankind. Our writing prompt for today will focus on the magic of love.
Writing Prompt #13:
The magic of love can take us away to fantastic places. While we may never leave the confines of the house, a restaurant, a movie seat, we are transported by love. The magic of love is that, unlike other situations, we are not alone in our journeys through time and space. Our lovers come with us in a serene moment of connection. This is that magic moment that we all yearn for. Take your time. Remember that special moment? Help us to understand it through poetry! Blessings Lonely Hearts! Keep Writing! Post! Link! Subscribe!

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Writing Prompt #13:
The magic of love can take us away to fantastic places. While we may never leave the confines of the house, a restaurant, a movie seat, we are transported by love. The magic of love is that, unlike other situations, we are not alone in our journeys through time and space. Our lovers come with us in a serene moment of connection. This is that magic moment that we all yearn for. Take your time. Remember that special moment? Help us to understand it through poetry! Blessings Lonely Hearts! Keep Writing! Post! Link! Subscribe!
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 10 (poem)
Here's your Day 10 Writing prompt poem Lonely Hearts! Slowly but surely I'm getting these guys done. I hope that you are doing well in your writing too. I'm still thinking about a challenge prize. If you place your poems or pieces of them and a link to your site in the comments section then I'll see what I can do. Keep your heads up and Keep the Love flowing!

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Love’s Anaconda
by Ieisha McIntyre
I slip through tall grass, slip into waters, slide up the
trunks of trees, and all in search of you.
All in search of this love.
But I can’t help my nature,
I know I will surround you.
Encase you in my bliss,
Let the warmth of my embrace subdue your other promptings.
Let the beating of my heart synchronize with yours.
Lull you into submission,
Make you unaware our love’s grasp
upon your body, your life.
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Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 9 (poem)
Day 9 Lonely Hearts poem is up! I'm slowly catching up. I might even make it before midnight! But I'll take it one at a time. Let me know what you think. I think after this one, for the remainder of Feb. I'll do an African-American History Month challenge. Perhaps I'll even have a prize for that one. A little one. I think of something.
by Ieisha McIntyre
The routine,
the challenge,
the victories, and the failures.
All between dawn and dusk.
All the hours governed by bells.
All the days, measured down to the minute.
No matter how many
minutes are counted
the unexpected,
and unpredictable looms.
The dusty chalk, the pencil shavings,
and red pens.
The tools of learning made ready,
a bell, it begins again.
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Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 8 (poem)
Day 8 Lonely Heart's Poetry Challenge: Here is my poem based on the Writing prompt for Day 8. I hope you all have a good read. I hope writing these poems are helping you as much as they are helping me. I think that if we walk with love instead of run from it, we will have a better chance at drawing the spirit of love to us. Keep Writing Lovers!
by Ieisha McIntyre
You are the one who knows
the secrets Momma doesn’t.
The one who helped me sin a little.
The one who helped me heal a little.
You made me laugh at mistakes and rejoice
in my victories.
You are the one who dried my tears and
shielded my shame with her love.
You set me on a different path.
You pointed to the signs on the road,
helped me learn to read them.
We held each others hopes
the same way that we hugged,
and promised ourselves
we would make them come true.
Now, I hold your hopes forward.
My lantern. As I walk on my way,
You are my light, my joy, my memory of love,
My Sister.
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Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 11 & 12 Writing Prompt
Hello Lonely Hearts! Here are your writing prompts for Feb. 11 and 12th. I'll be posting my poems before the end of today. I hope you are keeping your heads up and hearts full of hope and love for all humankind. As we all watch from near and far and witness Egypt's fight for freedom, we are also watching an example of what can happen when those with weaponry choose love over violence. We watched as soldiers kept their word not to fire, as minority Egyptian Christians used their bodies to shield praying Moslems. |
Have you ever thought that if you had super powers that you might use them to find the love of your life? Telepathy to find out if that person you like really likes you. The ability to fly in order to make a long distance relationship easier. The ability to stop time?
Writing prompt #12: What would you super power be? How would you use it to bring love into your life and to nurture it? Good Luck Lonely Hearts! Keep Writing! Valentine's Day is almost here.
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Friday, February 11, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 7 (poem)
Hello Lonely Hearts Poets!! I've managed to sneak a little time and get my poem written in response to the Day 7 writing prompt. I've placed it below. Feel free to let me know what you think. Link, Subscribe, Share! Keep Writing Lovers.
Footpath to Joy
by Ieisha McIntyre
My God -
I may not be
worthy of love.
My God -
I may not have
a soul worth saving.
who will come for
me when I die?
If you love me -
I will look the other way,
When you love someone else.
If you love me -
I will forgive you
When you are not enough.
are you never
My God,
I am Rapunzal
without hair in her tower.
My God,
I have made this tower
of pain.
is the key to
my joy?
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Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 10
Boy, oh Boy! Do you know how you feel when in love? Perhaps a bit like an animal? Do you have an idea of what that animal might be? If you do, try writing a poem about it. Let us know how your love roars, chirps, purrs, flys, swims. And when your love does what it does, with what level of passion is it executed?
And here you have a little Mumford & Sons inspiration to help you along. I LOVE THIS BAND!

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And here you have a little Mumford & Sons inspiration to help you along. I LOVE THIS BAND!
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Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 9
Hello Lonely Hearts Poets! You all are doing an amazing job. I'm typing right along with you. And will post my poems for Day 7-9 by Friday. While I know that is not the ideal, I know many of you are working a day job like myself. It is this lonely winter stretch after the holidays that can really get to a soul. So why don't we give ourselves a moment to write a love poem to the day jobs we have? Or the day jobs we wish we had, or aspire to have.

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Monday, February 07, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 7 & 8
Hello Lonely Heart Poets! Its Day 7 and well past the time of posting so I will post your prompts for today and tomorrow.
For Day 7, we are going to take a look at Paulo Coehlo's Blog - Character of the Week Pillar. His character of the week talks about the fear that's created when one waits to act on love. When you think too much, question your own heart, question your gut and you lose the passion to move forward and step out on faith.
It also talk about the power that love has to draw others to us. When we are loved by one we are loved by others. Give people the impression that there is no one who has loved you and you might give them the impression that you are not worthy of their love either.
Can you relate to those two moments? Check out the blog article. Does it bring up a memory? Stir a new thought? Well whatever your reaction, write about it! And put it into a poem. Give us a link to it if you'd like to share.
For Day 8, Let's take a day to think about the love that we have for those in our family. The love you have or wish you had from your mother/father/family members, what does it look like? What would you like it to be? How would you let them know?
Well that's all for now Lonely Hearts. Happy Writing and Keep in touch!

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For Day 7, we are going to take a look at Paulo Coehlo's Blog - Character of the Week Pillar. His character of the week talks about the fear that's created when one waits to act on love. When you think too much, question your own heart, question your gut and you lose the passion to move forward and step out on faith.
It also talk about the power that love has to draw others to us. When we are loved by one we are loved by others. Give people the impression that there is no one who has loved you and you might give them the impression that you are not worthy of their love either.
Can you relate to those two moments? Check out the blog article. Does it bring up a memory? Stir a new thought? Well whatever your reaction, write about it! And put it into a poem. Give us a link to it if you'd like to share.
For Day 8, Let's take a day to think about the love that we have for those in our family. The love you have or wish you had from your mother/father/family members, what does it look like? What would you like it to be? How would you let them know?
Well that's all for now Lonely Hearts. Happy Writing and Keep in touch!
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Sunday, February 06, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 6 (poem)
Here is the poetry offering for the Day 6 Lonely Hearts poetry challenge. Lemme know whatcha think, and what you are writing. Share, Subscribe, Follow! Keep up the Love!
The last goodbye.
by Ieisha McIntyre
Your lips parted into a smile.
You said that you would see me
when you got back.
Certain you were right,
I didn’t watch you board the plane.
I didn’t wait to see it take flight.
When the phone rang, I thought it would be you just checking in.
So, I let it go to voicemail. And a strangers voice told me
that you would not be home.
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Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 5 (poem)
Hello Lonely Hearts Poets! Here is my poetry offering for the Day 5 Prompt. It is my partial imagining of a proposal that would be the most subtle and wonderful of notes on a bouquet of flowers. Keep writing out there! I'd love to see some of your work.
The Proposal
by Ieisha McIntyre
My light.
My Love.
Let me be your
Let me be your
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Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 4 (poem)
Should’a been
by Ieisha McIntyre
As friends, we sit. Share coffee and talk
about our lives, and where we have been.
And, find that we almost met
at a party, but a friend of yours was sick and wanted to go home,
and I arrived late
and came through another door.
But we remember the weather that day,
and the feeling of the sun.
We remember the party host
and the friends we shared in common,
but we never met the way we could have, should have,
if we would have had the chance.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 6
Hey there Lonely Hearts! I know, I know. I'll catch up to you soon enough. But if you are ready for Day 6, then here is your prompt.
Day 6 Prompt: Remember the last time you saw that most wonderful love of your life? Well, the time that you didn't know it was the last time? Or even, the last time you saw them, before you met the one? Yeah, I know. Well, I don't know about your story. So, let's try to put that one into focus and put it into a poem. Here's some music to help us out.

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Day 6 Prompt: Remember the last time you saw that most wonderful love of your life? Well, the time that you didn't know it was the last time? Or even, the last time you saw them, before you met the one? Yeah, I know. Well, I don't know about your story. So, let's try to put that one into focus and put it into a poem. Here's some music to help us out.
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Saturday, February 05, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 5
You know that love letter/love poem you've been waiting for all your life? Either the one that you did get or the one that has yet to come, will be a good enough attempt for poem number 5! So let's get to it.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 3 (poem)
Day 3: Lonely Hearts Poem “First Glance”
Hello again Lonely Hearts Poets! Here is my little love offering of a poem for Day 3 of our challenge. I'll post Day 4 as soon as possible and your Day 5 writing prompt will be up in a moment. Let me know how you're doing so far on this challenge. If you have writing prompt suggestions you should include those as well. You can place your suggestions either in the comments section of my posts or you can email them to me. Blessings and spred the love!!! (Share, Rate, Follow!)
by Ieisha McIntyre
Your voice, (water droplets on an upright basses strings.)
Lifts my attention from rapt conversation.
Pulls my eyes up in search of the
tone that has caused my breath to stop, and mind to wonder.
Something tells me that I have heard the echo of a prayer.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Friday, February 04, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 3 & 4
Hello All! As I'm sure you've guessed by now that I missed my deadline. So tonight I'll put up the prompt for both Day 3 and Day 4.
Day 3: "The first time"
Remember the first time you saw that special someone? What do you remember first about seeing them? Is your first memory what they were wearing? How you felt when you first saw them? What did you think when you first danced? What did you think when you first heard their voice?
Day 4: "Close but not quite"
You know that person you were such close friends with? The one you are certain coulda, shoulda, woulda been the love of your life if only? Take a moment. . . Yeah, that person. I'm sure you know who they are. Well, you know how you rehearsed over, and over, and over what you thought you would say if you ever got the nerve? Well, now is your chance to say it. But put it in the form of a poem.
Happy Writing Lonely Hearts!!

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Day 3: "The first time"
Remember the first time you saw that special someone? What do you remember first about seeing them? Is your first memory what they were wearing? How you felt when you first saw them? What did you think when you first danced? What did you think when you first heard their voice?
Day 4: "Close but not quite"
You know that person you were such close friends with? The one you are certain coulda, shoulda, woulda been the love of your life if only? Take a moment. . . Yeah, that person. I'm sure you know who they are. Well, you know how you rehearsed over, and over, and over what you thought you would say if you ever got the nerve? Well, now is your chance to say it. But put it in the form of a poem.
Happy Writing Lonely Hearts!!
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Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 2 (poem)
Sometimes we have to settle for just a line or two. Something of a glimpse of a poem and let it sit. So, that is what I offer you tonight. A glimpse.
After sunset.

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After Sunset
by Ieisha McIntyre
After sunset.
In the summer.
The heated sand is welcomed.
It lingers over and warms the toes.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY Two
Day Two all you Lonely Heart poets! Here is the writing prompt for today.
Writing prompt:
Dig out a photo of that lover who brings the fondest of memories to mind. Or a picture of that favorite romantic spot real or imagined. Make this one sensory!! Have fun! I'll post a mine or a portion before midnight!

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Writing prompt:
Dig out a photo of that lover who brings the fondest of memories to mind. Or a picture of that favorite romantic spot real or imagined. Make this one sensory!! Have fun! I'll post a mine or a portion before midnight!
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Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Valentine's Day Lonely Hearts Poetry Challenge:#1 (poem)
Valentine's Day Lonely Hearts Poetry Challenge:#1
Can you guess which song I used for inspiration? I'd love to see your poems too.
Love Ready
by Ieisha McIntyre
I watch your eyes.
They flutter.
(winged birds.)
My heart palpates.
(Butterflies crowding tree limbs.)
And I will trade all my freedom, to
the rush that lightens my soul.
Only you have brought me to flight.
Made me ready.
All Rights Reserved (c) 2011
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY ONE
Hello everyone! Welcome to the first day of the Valentine’s Lonely Hearts - Love Poem challenge. I hope you took some time to think about where you might want to start. If you haven’t then I have a writing prompt for you.
Writing Prompt: Think of your favorite love song. The one that takes you back to that first true swell of love’s fire in your heart. The one that makes you want to cry and laugh at the same time. Pinpoint those moments of bliss. Don’t judge them, don’t qualify them, just BE with them. Do your best to describe them and slap them together into a poem.
Feel like sharing? Post a link to your poem on your blog! Feel free to comment on mine. I’ll post before midnight, and post the prompt for tomorrow as well!
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Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Poetry Challenge!
The Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Poetry Challenge!
I’m sitting here today looking over what poems I’d like to challenge myself to submit. I have found myself most drawn to my love poems. I am also struck by the realization that I am once again approaching African-American History month and Valentine’s Day. And, that I am again without a focus for my adoration, except for my adoration for poetry. So, I challenge you who are out there, reading my blog, and willing to play along, to combat the lonely heart blues with poetry. Excise your love angels and demons! Perhaps even gain the courage to send your poem on a postcard to anywhere, or as a message in a bottle, or tied to a ballon. Who knows?! The Valentine’s Lonely Hearts Poetry challenge will begin Feb. 1! Oh yes, and the challenge of course is to write one poem per day up to Valentine’s! I might even consider writing on through to the end of the month. We’ll see. I’ll post prompts just to give you a start if you need one.
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Saturday, January 08, 2011
2010 was quite a year of change and firsts for me both good and bad. One of those firsts was my first roll in a professional play, in Gold From Straw's, Tacoma's new theatre company's inaugural performance of Shanley's DOUBT. Here are the photos of myself and Marilyn Bennett! Oh and by the way, the performance earned me a shared nomination of The Volcano's Best Local Actress of 2010 and an amazing write up by The Tacoma News Tribune! Without further delay, I present to you, The Doubt photos!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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