Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 14
Hello Lonely Hearts Poets! I hope this journey has been helpful for you in combating the lonely heart blues. I know that it has helped me to write about the different aspects of love and to help me see Love in more than the traditional way. For today's writing prompt I'd like us all to think about not the love that we wish for but that love that we HAVE in our lives. WHERE IS IT?
Writing Prompt #14:
Where is the love in your life? Are you loved by a pet, friends, parents, siblings, a child, perhaps you have a beloved teddy bear. Or is your love for something or someone higher than yourself? Whatever or whomever it is, where is it?
My love is not only in the gravitational pull of me to you, you to she, he to it, but also in the thrill of electricity that runs through my spine in response to a kiss, a sunset, a bird call. Love is that strong force that keeps my cells together, and the weaker force that causes my heart glow, more than radioactive green.
When science reaches the unified field theory, they will find it all was love - every molecule, quark, wave or particle, every star, quasar, cell, and galaxy. All space is full of love, and even emptiness is emitting love like a black hole swallowing light.
1 comment:
Better late than never....
My love is not only in the gravitational pull of
me to you, you to she, he to it,
but also in the thrill of electricity that runs through my spine
in response to a kiss, a sunset, a bird call.
Love is that strong force that keeps my cells together, and the weaker force that causes my heart glow, more than radioactive green.
When science reaches the unified field theory, they will find it all was love - every molecule, quark, wave or particle, every star, quasar, cell, and galaxy. All space is full of love, and even emptiness is emitting love like a black hole swallowing light.
My love is everywhere.
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