Sunday, October 11, 2009

LotusPapillon: african man

LotusPapillon: african man

african man

african man
by Ieisha McIntyre

I love the look in the eyes of a tired african man
- at the end of the day.
That look that says he has worked hard and loves himself and knows that he is loved
The eyes wet and weary but possessing tears that can choose between hope and despair.

I love the look of the tension
in the forehead
- brought up from the strain
in the feet that have stood too long and walked just a bit too far
- for that day.
The feet that are calloused and throbbing, but long to carry the man home
through muscle memory and the desire for the home cooked meal and the Loving and well loved bed.

I love the look if a weary african man.
the eyes gently betraying him through the slow appearance of water around the rim of eyes,
Just near the eyelashes, moment to moment tears clinging to the stray hair or two – and being wiped away and blamed on the fierceness
of the day-end wind.

I love that look of gentle thanks
for the grace of a warm bowl of stew and slice of thick country farm bread-

I love the look of a weary strong-backed african man.
Blessed to see his love and kiss her calloused hands,
Feel her well-rounded warmth, soft nestle just beneath the curvature of his muscle from chest to thigh to foot.
Both worn.
I love the look of a well-loved, weary, strong african man.

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