Tuesday, April 05, 2011

NAPOWRIMO 2011-Writing Prompts #5-Yesterday

Hello NAPOWRIMO POETS!  I hope you are still with me.  Today, I have a prompt for you that asks you to plumb your memory and use your senses. Divorce those digital photos you have and search around your home for an old photo.  From the time when you had to take your photos to the shop and trust that you had done well.  Or, from the time when Polaroid was king.  Find those old photos of yours and tell us the story of that photo.  You can use good old american free verse or you can stick with a structured approach. Heck, you could start your own structure if that's what you'd like to do.  MAKE IT WORK!  (post,share, link!)  Blessings! And find an open mic silly!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Monday, April 04, 2011


Here's a bit of encouragement for #4/30

Poetic Definition #4
by Ieisha McIntyre

Ephemeral: (adj.)The leaf, once green,
now ghost white
dust in flame.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

NAPOWRIMO 2011-Writing Prompts

Let's Catch up- Days #1-4
Hello NAPOWRIMO poets! If you are like me, you just wanted to make it through April fools and may have forgotten all about poetry.  Well, if you did don’t worry. Here are three writing prompts to get you caught up and one to get you back on track for Monday April 4th.  Don’t forget to LINK and SHARE!

Prompt #1- FOOLERY
Since this one should have been for April fools, which I confess to loathe.  Let’s write a little poem that some how gives shape to the way that you feel when you feel foolish.  Try to focus on the “giving shape” part of the prompt.

Prompt #2- Found poetry
  1. Take a moment and look through your most recent favorite magazine article. 
  2. Cut that article out of your magazine.
  3. Now, cute phrases, words, sentences out of that article.
  4. Rearrange those words, phrases, sentences until you have your newly found poem.
  5. POST IT!
Prompt #3- Sunday Walk
  1. Take a walk!
  2. Walk around your apartment, block, backyard, bedroom.
  3. Notice what you notice.
  4. Whatever you noticed the most of, write about it!
Prompt #4
Let’s focus on just one word. Flip through the dictionary, preferably a rather large one, an let your finger land on a random word.  Accept the challenge of writing a poem based on and/or involving your newly discovered word.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


 Hello Everyone!  Its NAPOWRIMO time again.  I love April just for the fact that it is spring, poetry, and new discoveries all rolled into one.  I hope that you are ready for another journey into poetry and discovery of your poetic self.  I am!  I'll be posting poetry writing prompts to get you caught up and on track for the rest of this month.  I'll also post links to other sites who are doing NAPOWRIMO as well.  I hope you take the time to search out an open mic in your area or even start one.  Take that poetic shyness, push it to the side and let your poetry shine through!  Muster your courage and give your poetic gems a chance to be heard.

Stay tuned for poetry and prompts! (link, share, post, poem!)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.