Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 14 (poem)

Here is my response to the Day 14 writing prompt. I made these little buggers hard didn't I? Hm, funny.  I'm working on the other two.  Blessings Lonely Hearts!  I'll be back this weekend with content directed toward African-American History so look for Diasporic Voices posts in the coming weeks!

Where’s the Love?
by Ieisha McIntyre
I feel my love is no where.
And then,
a new breath enters my lungs and 
there is possibility. 
And then,
a small warm paw.
And then, 
a call from an old friend.

I feel my love is no where. 
And then,
friends become bored.
And then, 
family dies.
And then, 
there is no ring.

I feel my love is no where.
And then,
God shows his face.
In the eyes of a stranger,
In a baby in the supermarket,
In the smile looking back at me from a mirror.

There is my love.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 14

Hello Lonely Hearts Poets!  I hope this journey has been helpful for you in combating the lonely heart blues.  I know that it has helped me to write about the different aspects of love and to help me see Love in more than the traditional way.  For today's writing prompt I'd like us all to think about not the love that we wish for but that love that we HAVE in our lives.  WHERE IS IT?

Writing Prompt #14:

Where is the love in your life?  Are you loved by a pet, friends, parents, siblings, a child, perhaps you have a beloved teddy bear.  Or is your love for something or someone higher than yourself?  Whatever or whomever it is, where is it?

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 11 (poem)

Hello Lonely Hearts!  Here is my poem for the Day 11 Writing prompt.  I don't know if I will have the chance to get to days 12 and 13 before tomorrow night, but I will put up the prompt for Valentine's Day  in a few moments so that you may have all day tomorrow to ponder what you would like to write.  Please keep up the good work!  I see readers visiting from all over the world.  Know that you are not the only lonely heart out there.  But you just might be the only one placing it in poetry.

heal love power

by Ieisha McIntyre

Let me lay my hands and my heart on you,
Lend you my ears and hear your sorrow. 
Let me wrap my arms around you, 
warm your skin, help it release the pain.
Let me love the places within you
no one has yet seen.
Take your trembling hands from your eyes, 
And let you see the way that
You can heal the little boy within you.
Bring back the possible you once dreamed of while mimicking the sounds of fire engines and cowboy calls. The little boy who made
his mother’s robe into his future doctor’s lab coat.
The man who would fight to hold on to his hope.
Let me love you through -- be the light in your lantern. 
Look my way sojourner, 
let me lead you from the cave.
All Rights Reserved (c) 2011

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Valentine’s Day Lonely Hearts Love Poetry Challenge DAY 13 Writing Prompt

Hello Lonely Heart Poets!  It is less than 24 hours until Valentine's Day and some of you may be feeling blue, others of you may be feeling victorious.  Victorious that you have been able to keep up the hope and the love in your heart through poetry.  Personally I view this journey in a number of ways.  One of which is the willing of love into your life.  Call it wishful thinking, call it the law of attraction, call it magic if you wish.  But whatever you call it, the desire is that it ends in love.  More love for yourself, your family, friends, humankind.   Our writing prompt for today will focus on the magic of love.

Writing Prompt #13:

The magic of love can take us away to fantastic places.  While we may never leave the confines of the house, a restaurant, a movie seat, we are transported by love.  The magic of love is that, unlike other situations, we are not alone in our journeys through time and space.  Our lovers come with us in a serene moment of connection.  This is that magic moment that we all yearn for. Take your time. Remember that special moment? Help us to understand it through poetry! Blessings Lonely Hearts! Keep Writing! Post! Link! Subscribe!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.