Tuesday, April 05, 2011

NAPOWRIMO 2011-Writing Prompts #5-Yesterday

Hello NAPOWRIMO POETS!  I hope you are still with me.  Today, I have a prompt for you that asks you to plumb your memory and use your senses. Divorce those digital photos you have and search around your home for an old photo.  From the time when you had to take your photos to the shop and trust that you had done well.  Or, from the time when Polaroid was king.  Find those old photos of yours and tell us the story of that photo.  You can use good old american free verse or you can stick with a structured approach. Heck, you could start your own structure if that's what you'd like to do.  MAKE IT WORK!  (post,share, link!)  Blessings! And find an open mic silly!

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